El Centro Jr. and Sr. High School

The El Centro Jr./Sr. High School is the on-site education program provided to residents. It is open 244 school days per year. All residents are immediately enrolled into the El Centro Jr./Sr. High School program. Students are assessed in English and Math and receive instruction in both, as well as Social Studies, Science, Financial Literacy, Computer Literacy, and Physical Education. Students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) receive education by special education staff.

Students in the Youth Detention Facility also have access to HiSET (High S​chool Equivalency Testing) and receive vocational training from Northern California Construction Training (NCCT).

 **El Centro Jr./Sr. High School is open for our students; however, the El Centro team is working remotely at this time.  While we are still accessible by phone and email, our response time may be delayed.  ​Thank you for your understanding, flexibility, and patience.  Stay healthy! Stay strong!**


Barbara Modlin, Principal
(916) 228-2531

Christina Engwis, School Secretary
(916) 228-2525

Student Record Requests